Drawing drawing-Scan-Line-20B.pdf Drawing drawing-Scan-Line-30B.pdf Drawing drawing-of-baking-oven-dim.-Scan-Line-Turin-B20B30B520B.pdf Instructions instructions-Scan-Line-10203020B30B.EN_.pdf Declaration of conformity DoC-Scan-Line-500.EN_.pdf Declaration of performance DOP-Scan-Line-500_EN.pdfScan-Line 20B/30B
Two-in-one stove
Scan-Line 20B/30B is a modern thermal mass stove. You will heat a room up relatively quickly and then the 450-614 kg of soapstone and thermal stones will slowly release the heat over many hours. Allowing you to get a longer heating period out of your stove.
Height: 1521 mm
Width: 640 mm
Depth: 640 mm
Square meters: 30-150 ㎡
Energy efficiency class: